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History is all around us!

Lady Bankes Primary School aims to provide high-quality history education which ignites children’s curiosity and which enables them to develop a coherent knowledge and understanding of the history of themselves, our school, Ruislip, Britain and the wider world.

The children’s historical journey will be stimulating and engaging to ensure they develop a genuine love for the subject.

Our curriculum advances children’s historical progress by equipping them with:

  • Historical knowledge about the past (substantive knowledge)
  • Historical skills enabling them to ask questions, think critically, consider evidence, scrutinise opinions and improve perspective and judgement by examining historical accounts and claims (disciplinary knowledge)

By doing this we look to prioritise knowledge that will provide the greatest pupil impact and support future learning.

Our young historians begin their journey in Foundation stage, where they are provided with experiences enabling them to develop enquiry and critical thinking skills. By providing children with the opportunities to discuss changes in their own lives and the lives of others, we set chronology foundations.

As children progress into Key Stage 1, the scaffolding established in the Early Years is built upon. They learn about significant events and people and the impact events and individuals had on people in the past and in the present day.

As children continue their learning journey into Key Stage 2 their knowledge will be both fingertip and residue. The first aims to help children explore their current historical topic and includes good extended writing and genuine cross-curricular opportunities. The latter provides children with a wider knowledge of institutions of a period of study.

Our History learning encompasses our school values by instilling an ethos of Ambitious learning, coming Together to share in Opportunities to discuss the past and present, whilst being Respectful in developing their Curiosty to achieve Happpiness in their outcome. 

Our young historians leave Lady Bankes Primary School with a strong sense of their own history, the history of their locality and knowledge of past and present cultures, societies and individuals. It also provides the confidence to ask questions and challenge opinion.