At Lady Bankes Primary School we believe that Music is a universal language that embodies one of the highest forms of creativity.
Children learn to listen to, perform, review and evaluate Music across a wide range of genres and traditions. There is progression in Music skills that helps children begin to understand pitch, tempo, structure and musical notation. Talented professionals visit us to play their instruments for the children and we secure any opportunity we find for children to enjoy live performances to enhance our curriculum. Music is taught both as a discrete subject and across the curriculum.
In Nursery and Reception children are encouraged to participate in a variety of musical experiences which aim to build the confidence, creative and social skills of all children. Through singing songs and playing instruments, children learn about working collaboratively, whilst developing their listening and rhyming skills.
In Key stage 1, weekly singing assemblies are based on multi-cultural celebrations or events and music is chosen to enhance these experiences. Through listening to a range of music children develop descriptive language skills and are encouraged to express about how music can represent different feelings, emotions and narratives. Integral to our teaching is to begin to use technical vocabulary such as pulse, rhythm, dynamics, melody and pitch and children are encouraged to discuss music using this terminology. Children at this stage are beginning to play percussion instruments with more control and purpose and are beginning to reflect on their own and their peer’s performances.
The key skills learnt in EYFS and Key Stage 1 are developed as the children move up through Key Stage 2 through listening to music, playing instruments, singing, performing, composing and improvising. Children as a whole class apply their developing knowledge to learn a specific instrument. Year 3 are currently learning to play the Steel Pans, Year 4 the recorder, Year 5 the glockenspiel and Year 6 the ukulele.
Lady Bankes Primary School believe these instrumental opportunities are important to inspire and build confidence in children’s music making. In addition, other instrumental learning takes place with our visiting peripatetic teachers from Hillingdon Music Service, who offer a range of instruments including guitar, drums and keyboard.
Our local community is an integral part of our learning journey where we encourage children to perform at various annual events in Hillingdon and further afield. Singing at Ruislip Manor Christmas Funday; singing at the tree dressing event at Eastcote House Garden; Young Voices at Wembley and the O2 arena; Hillingdon Music Hub ensembles; Hillingdon Sings and Inclusive choir concerts are examples of some of the wide range of experiences offered to all children outside of the school environment.
A highlight of the school year is Christmas where the whole school celebrates, using age appropriate material through singing, instrumental playing and dance! It underpins the values of our school and gives every child a chance to fulfil their Ambition, Togetherness, Opportunity, Respect, Curiosity and much Happiness!