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Maths across the Curriculum

At Lady Bankes Maths does not just take place during Maths lessons! 

Have a look below at all of our wonderful cross curricular links...

Our Cross-Curricular Links: 

Cross Curricular Maths in Action

KS1 have been using Maths in their Science lessons!

The children have been learning that they can use their Maths skills to identify trends in their Science experiment data! 

Maths and Historical Timelines!

The children in KS1 have been practising ordering the years of significant events in chronological order! 

KS2 have been learning about Mathematicians throughout History!

The children have been learning that Maths has been developed over centuries, providing solutions to some of History's most intriguing problems! 

Money Makes Sense lessons

KS2 have been partaking in Natwest 'Money Makes Sense' lessons. These lessons are designed to teach the children about financial literacy. The children have been learning about where money comes from, how to save and budget, how to keep themselves and their money safe and also how jobs and money are linked together!