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School Performance

This is a summary of the achievements of our wonderful children at Lady Bankes who we are always very proud of. Our outcomes continue to be above or significantly above national averages across all key stages. These excellent results are due to the hard work and dedication of our talented team of teachers and support staff who are dedicated to ensuring that we provide a rich, varied and inclusive curriculum that harnesses every child's potential whatever their starting point. 

The data below shows the fantastic outcomes for our pupils at all key assessment points.

Please click on the link below for details of the school's performance:

Lady Bankes Primary School KS2 Results 2024


% of pupils achieving

the 'Expected Standard' at LBP

% of pupils achieving

the 'Higher Standard' at LBP

% of pupils achieving

the 'Expected Standard' 

nationally (2024)

Reading 84% 35% 74%

Grammar, Punctuation

& Spelling

87% 51% 72%
Writing 83% 15% 72%
Mathematics 87% 42% 73%

Combined reading, writing

& maths

78% 12%


(9% Higher standard)

Lady Bankes Primary School KS2 Scaled Scores* 2024



Grammar, Punctuation

& Spelling

Scaled Score - Lady Bankes 107 108 107
Scaled Score Nationally  105 105 104

Lady Bankes Primary School KS1 to KS2 Progress Measures 2023

Please note that due to COVID measures in place at the time, there will be no updated progress measures in 2024 or 2025.

  Reading Mathematics Writing
Progress Measure +1.4 +0.8 +1.2

*A scaled score of 100 represents the expected standard on each of the tests. Please see the following government website for further details:

For further explanation of how the 'Average Progress Score' is calculated please click here


Lady Bankes Primary School Year 4 Multiplication Check Results 2024

Average Score

(out of 25)

Percentage of children at LBP

who got full marks

Percentage of children nationally

who got full marks (2024)

23.2 64% 34% (provisional)

Lady Bankes Primary School KS1 Results 2024


% of pupils achieving

the 'Expected Standard' at LBP

% of pupils achieving

the 'Higher Standard' at LBP

% of pupils achieving

the 'Expected Standard' 

nationally (2024)


Reading 79% 21% 71%
Writing 66% 6% 62%
Mathematics 80% 18% 71%

Combined reading, writing

& maths

65% 12% 57%


Lady Bankes Primary School Phonics Results 2024

Year 1 Phonics Pass

LBP 2024

Year 1 Phonics Pass

National 2024 (provisional)

91% 80%

Lady Bankes Primary School EYFS GLD Results 2024



GLD National 

2024 (provisional)

76% 68%