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Governor Information and Duties

The Governing Body of Lady Bankes Primary School

We are delighted to welcome you to the Governors’ section of the Lady Bankes Primary School website.

As governors, we are responsible for:

  • ensuring the clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction of the schools;
  • holding the Headteachers to account for the performance of the schools and their pupils; and
  • overseeing the financial performance of the schools.

Simply put, we want to ensure that all our children achieve the best they can and that money is well spent in making this happen.

Our vision for the school is that it is an ‘outstanding place to learn’ and staff and governors are all extremely committed and passionate in their drive to make this happen. We are also united in our belief that a good relationship between school and home is vital, enhancing a child’s confidence and assisting in their development. We rely on the support and involvement of all our parents and carers and endeavour to forge relationships that do not end at the school gate.

Our governing body consists of 14 members and is made up of Parent Governors, Local Authority Governors, Staff Governors, Co-opted Governors. We also currently have several Associate Governors. This ensures that we have sufficient diversity of views and experience to be both a supportive and questioning friend.

The Full Governing Body meets at least once each term but most of our work is done in the following committees.

  • Curriculum and Community Committee which meets every term (chair by Mary Butler)
  • Data & Assessment Committee which meets at least once every term (chaired by Fiona Waddingham)
  • Finance & Personnel Committee which meets every half term (chaired by Jo Coxwell)

Governors with named responsibilities report to the appropriate committee. In turn, the committees then report to the full governing body, which has overall responsibility for the governance of the school.

Governors attend most school events and are always happy to chat to parents. Alternatively, if you have questions or feedback, then you can contact me through either school office. Please do note though, that if you have any specific issues regarding individual pupils or members of staff, these should be raised with the Head Teacher in the first instance.

Membership Information

Governor Category



Term of Office Begins

Term of Office Ends

Register of Interests




Kate Needs



No interests to declare

Staff Governor


Samantha Barcessat



No interests to declare

Co-opted Governor

Science Link Governor

Charlotte Moore



CoG at Oak Farm Primary School

Bursar at Cowley St Lawrence

Governor at Ruislip High School

Co-opted Governor

Chair of Governors

Safeguarding Link Governor

English Link Governor
Chair of F&P Committee
Pupil Premium Link Governor

Joanne Coxwell



No interests to declare

Co-opted Governor

IT Link Governor

Wider Curriculum Link Governor

Kirsty Freeman



No interests to declare

Co-opted Governor

KS2 Teaching Assistant

Gemma Cronin



No interests to declare

Co-opted Governor

EYFS Link Governor

Mary Butler



No interests to declare

Co-opted Governor



Co-opted Governor

Community Link Governor

Wider Curriculum Link Governor

Nick Symmons



No interests to declare

Co-opted Governor

Vice Chair of Governors

Chair of A&D Committee
Maths Link Governor

Fiona Waddingham



No interests to declare

Co-opted Governor

Senior Assistant Headteacher

Caroline Taylor



No interests to declare

Parent Governor

Wellbeing Link Governor

Emma Plackett



No interests to declare

Parent Governor



LA Governor

Data Link Governor

Olivia Julienne



No interests to declare



Amy Doody



Clerk for a number of other schools

Committee Members 

Curriculum and Community Committee

Chair: Mary Butler

Members: Caroline Taylor, Charlotte Moore, Emma Plackett, Gemma Cronin, Kate Needs,

Kirsty Freeman, Nick Symmons and Samantha Barcessat

Other Attendees: Ben Hagreen, Kerry Cronin and subject leaders

Assessment & Data Committee

Chair: Fiona Waddingham

Members: Caroline Taylor, Charlotte Moore, Gemma Cronin, Jo Coxwell, Olivia Julienne and Mary Butler

Other Attendees: Laura McFadden and phase leaders

Finance & Personnel Committee

Chair: Jo Coxwell

Members: Charlotte Moore, Fiona Waddingham, Kirsty Freeman and Olivia Julienne

Other Attendees: Sharon Adams and Tracy Nunn

Governing Body Documents