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Our Curriculum

Our aim is to provide a rich, varied, and inclusive curriculum which harnesses every child’s potential.

At Lady Bankes Primary School our intention is to provide a positive environment in which your child can thrive and therefore make excellent progress. We aim to ensure that every child develops self-confidence, a determination to be the best that they can be, a respect for themselves and others, and a pride in their own achievements.

We strive to ensure that all children leave this school at the end of Year 6 having achieved their best possible outcomes across the EYFS, National Curriculum and beyond through an extensive range of learning opportunities and experiences both in and out of the classroom. These values and learning outcomes will help to prepare our children for the next stage of their education and beyond. 

We use our location of Ruislip to its full advantage visiting local places of worship, shops and places of interest. We work with local schools collaboratively for professional development and competitively for sporting fixtures.

Located in the London Borough of Hillingdon we visit the museums and places of interest that London and the surrounding area has to offer- Hampton Court Palace, Whipsnade Zoo, Windsor Castle, Chiltern Open Air Museum, RAF Hendon, the Science Museum, Brunel University, the British Museum and the Natural History Museum, to name a few. We have taken the children to sporting events such as at the Copper Box Arena (table tennis), O2 (tennis) and Wembley (including the women’s FA cup final) and to sing as part of the Young Voices choir at the O2 and Wembley arenas. We also have a range of visitors that come into school e.g. The Space Dome, The Farm, The Tropical Zoo and Nocturnal Animals. We have an extensive range of extra-curricular activities which we encourage all our children, regardless of circumstance, to participate in. 

A key element of our provision at Lady Bankes Primary School is our link with parents. You are your child’s first educators and your knowledge of your child and your support for them is invaluable in their development. We aim to keep you highly informed about your child’s progress and to work with you in order to build on the skills and knowledge that they have already acquired so that they can be successful in meeting the requirements of the EYFS and National Curriculum.

Where your child has needs that add additional challenges for them to access the curriculum we will again work closely with you and with other support agencies in order to provide the best environment possible for them to make progress. We ensure that our teachers and support staff have adequate training on a wide range of areas including behaviour that challenges and how to meet the needs of children with ASD, ADHD and sensory needs. We have also worked in partnership with the Inclusion team and the Department for Education on SCERTS, which is now being embedded across our school. 

At Lady Bankes Primary School we ensure that the progression of our curriculum from Nursery to Year 6 ensures that year on year children develop the skills they need to be brilliant learners. 

If you require further information about the school curriculum please contact the school office.