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PE and Sports Premium

Primary schools have been given a ‘Sports Premium’ funding to develop Physical Education and school sports. This funding is ring-fenced and therefore can only be spent on provision of PE and sport in schools. As a school we must endeavour to spend the additional funding with the intended outcome being improved provision of PE and sport. The total funding made available to us via instalments throughout the financial year 2023-24 will total £20830.

At Lady Bankes Primary School we are committed to ensuring our pupils enjoy sports and games activities and understand the importance of being active and having a healthy lifestyle.

The funding is designed to impact upon:

  • achievement in P.E lessons
  • an increased involvement in competitive school sport
  • personal health and well-being
  • improved attitudes and behaviour towards learning

The school will measure the impact of the funding through:

  • School Games application review
  • Observation of P.E lessons
  • Increased club opportunities
  • Pupil and staff surveys
  • Club and competition data

See the action plan below as to how we are planning to spend the money to improve outcomes for all pupils.