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FOLBA (Friends of Lady Bankes Association)

Dear parents and carers, 

Please see below the Spring Term Newsletter. We have planned an exciting term of events starting with a second hand uniform and costume sale on Tuesday 6th February.

Tickets are now on sale for the Hollywood VIP Party on Friday 22nd March 2024 on our website:

SAVE THE DATE: Party in the Playground - Friday 17th May from 3pm to 6pm. 

Bring your picnic blankets and join us for music, dancing, games, food and drinks! 

If you have any queries or wish to contact us please email

Kind regards, 




Our website is:

and our Facebook page is:

Recent Events: 

Summer Disco

Great event with wonderful music, temporary tattoos, pizza and a tuck shop. Over 400 children attended and we raised over £950.

Coin Challenge  

Hugely successful event which raised over £850. Congratulations to the winning class 4BR who enjoyed an ice cream party (pics on Twitter) and the whole school won a Pyjama day! 

Coffee morning on behalf of FOLBA and MacMillian

Thank you for all the donations and to all the families who attend before and after drop off. We raised over £200!

Second hand sale on parents' evening

We held our first second hand sale this term selling uniform, fancy dress costumes, Christmas jumpers and new hair accessories. Thank you for all your support, we raised £235.

Treats no tricks children's fair (see attachment) 

We held our Children's Fair with a Spooky "treats no tricks" theme. Loads of fun activities, music, tuck shop and games had by all! Thank you to our families for their support, we raised over £1100!

Christmas cards 

Thank you for purchasing your children's beautiful Christmas Card creations, we have raised over £500.

Neon Glow Party  -

GLOW CRAZY! What a fantastic night! It was so great to see so many children enjoying the three Glow discos tonight - Thanks so much for coming and helping us raise over £850!

Ruislip Manor Christmas Funday -

Huge thank you to everyone who came down to support the Funday. Santa and his wonderful elf saw over 400 children throughout the day, lots of reindeer food was made and the weather was fantastic. Congratulations to Tania and her family on winning the beautiful Gingerbread House, courtesy of Bakin' with Caitlin. The event raised a massive £1300!

Christmas Wreath Making Workshop 

Beautiful selection of wreaths made at our first wreath making workshop. Thank you to all those who attended and an extra big thank you to Philippa Hester for running the course for us. 

FOLBA Autumn Term 2023 Newsletter

Please look at the document below to see how much FOLBA have raised during the year from September 2022- July 2023!

Swashbuckling Summer Fayre news! 

These are the winners of the amazing prizes that we had for our Summer Fayre. Congratulations to all the winners. 

Summer Term 2023 FOLBA Newsletter & Flyers for upcoming events


Thank you so much to all the wonderful parents, carers, families and staff for their support this term, whether this be volunteering their time at events, attending events with your children or donating towards the events.  

This half term has been extra busy for Christmas with FOLBA running Santa’s Grotto at the Ruislip Manor Christmas Funday, our first Christmas wreath making workshop, the Christmas treat shop on Christmas Jumper & Movie Day and of course our Christmas Fair - We hope you all enjoyed it as much as we did!

Next term promises to be equally exciting, our termly newsletter will follow in the new year.

We are always open to anyone wishing to join FOLBA! You can be as involved as you wish to be; any help is always greatly appreciated! Contact us on to find out more.

Follow our Facebook page and the school’s twitter for information and photos of our events: and

Treats no Tricks

2nd Hand Uniform Sale - 19th & 20th October 2022

Platinum Jubilee Fun Day Thursday 26th May 2022

A huge thank you to everyone for attending the Jubilee event and purchasing raffle tickets. A great time was had by all and we estimate we have raised over £1400 for the school. What a fantastic start towards the MUGA fundraising! Thank you to all those who donated and sponsored the event.  Below are some pictures from the day.

Congratulations to all our lucky winners:

First Prize of M&S Hamper & £25 Voucher from Andrew Pearce: Sarah W

Large Platinum Jubilee Merino Wool Wreath from Let's Get Cosy: Nina C

Queen's Jubilee Gingerbread Biscuit Box from Bakin' with Caitlin: Emily R

Putt Crazy Family Voucher: Naomi B

£25 Amazon Voucher from Andrew Pearce: Morgen E

Set of handmade all natural creams from Lieba Bettencourt: Hollie H 

Find the Corgi sponsored by Andrew Pearce: Georgia from 2HF 

Guess the weight of the cake from @Nirab: Freddie from 2ED

How many sweets in the jar: Megan from 5GM

Name the Royal Pug: Named Ginger by Lexi from 5NB

Name the Queen's New Racehorse: Named Jeffrey by Sophie from 5DP

Thank you to all the wonderful staff and volunteers for making this event possible. We could not have done it without you!

Our event featured on the Ruislip Residents Association website:

Platinum Jubilee Fun Day

FOLBA Easter Egg Raffle 2022

We would like to say a BIG thank you to everyone that has taken part in the FOLBA Easter Egg Raffle 2022. Your continued support raises much needed funds for Lady Bankes Primary School so that additional resources can be provided for our children. You are amazing!

We are pleased to announce the winners from each class are as follows: CLASS WINNER CLASS WINNER Nursery Joel M 3CL Jackson C Nursery Raphael A 3SW Daisy B RNM Vaani G 4GB Sarai AG RCB Alayna B 4MB Elliott B RJB Jacob H 4JN Mason H ICP Tilly H 5GM Samuel B 1DA Felix S 5VB Anna W 1MO Ella B 5DP Maddie D 2ED Harrison B 6CS Ellis M 2HF Faye W 6BM Phoenix B 2AM Mya B 6LM Oscar W 3BH Aleksander R

The raffle raised at least £750 (exact figure to be confirmed after Easter) so we would like to give another big thank you to Andrew Pearce Estate Agents for supplying the prizes.

Non-Uniform Day

On Friday 18th June 2021 we held a non-uniform day in school.  The theme was Euro's 2020 (in June 2021!). The children were invited to wear their favourite team's football kits in return for a donation towards FOLBA.  

FOLBA Christmas Hampers

Congratulations to those of you who won one of the fabulous Hampers put together by the children in class.  The total amount raised through ticket sales was a fantastic £1274.00.