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Children's Mental Health & Wellbeing

Children’s Mental Health Week

Thank you for your support. Children's Mental Health Week 2024 took place between  5–11 February 2024. This year's theme was 'My Voice Matters'. We came to school Dressed to Express  – weaing  colourful outfits which enabled us to  express ourselves. We raised £750.00  which we will split between Place 2 Be and Lady Bankes Primary School to continue to support Children's Mental Health and Wellbeing. This year we will be using our half to purchase new books for every key phase covering areas of Emotional health and wellbeing and also to continue to provide ELSA support and resources for nurture groups.  

The UN Convention on The Rights of the Child states that "Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously. "

As adults, we should empower children and young people, and provide them with time, space, and opportunities to express themselves. We must also ensure they have opportunities to influence aspects of their worlds that directly - or indirectly - affect their wellbeing. Empowering children and young people can have a positive impact on their health and wellbeing. For example, children and young people who feel that their voices are heard - and that what they say makes a difference - have higher levels of self-efficacy and selfesteem. They also have a greater sense of community – and as people become empowered, they can work together to create positive changes for themselves and for others.

This year one of the areas in the Lady Bankes Primary School development plan is to ensure that everyone in our school has access to a  positive mental health toolkit. We will be working on this aspect during the year with the aim of achieving the Optimus Education Wellbeing Award in association with the National Children's Bureau. 

Thank you to all our families who completed the wellbeing survey in November 2023. We will be using the valuable information on it as we work through our action plan. 

Useful websites, strategies and resources.

Signposting Resources for Parents-Carers from Hillingdon

As parents and carers, you play an important role in your child’s mental health. Check out these free resources for families from Place2be.

These fun interactive videos are an amazing free resource designed for pupils to enjoy movement, mindful moments and encourage feelings of calm.

Mental Health toolkit

Wellbeing apps

This self-care plan walks primary-aged children through a series of steps, helping them create a simple self-care plan that works for them. It helps children identify activities that they can use to support their mental health.

This A-Z guide gives you advice on how to help your child with their feelings and behaviour, as well as mental health conditions and life events.

This is an online resource for families with specific support in how to talk to your child about key worries:

If you are looking to develop relaxation for your child, have a look at this website:

For support and advice around building and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, visit the Change4Life website:

For advice and support for concerns around bullying, cyberbullying, depression, anxiety and many more, please visit the NSPCC website:

For further information and support, around mental health, please visit: Every Mind Matters - NHS (

Parent and Carer Sources of Wellbeing Support - Signposting