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Computing at Lady Bankes Primary School

Take a closer look at what we have been doing during our Computing lessons  

The use of Computing is an integral part of the National Curriculum and is a key skill for everyday life. Computers, tablets, programmable robots, digital and video cameras are a few of the tools that can be used to acquire, organise, store, manipulate, interpret, communicate and present information. At Lady Bankes Primary School, we recognise that pupils are entitled to quality hardware and software and a structured and progressive approach to the learning of the skills needed to enable them to use it effectively.

Teachers use technology as a way to teach children the necessary skills for their future. Our aim is to enhance, extend and deepen their learning through access to a range of resources and information. Throughout the computing curriculum, the children are active programmers, researchers and bloggers, they are provided with opportunities to develop and gain confidence in their computing ability which can therefore be transferred into the real world.


At Lady Bankes Primary School we understand the responsibility we have to educate our pupils on e-safety issues: teaching them appropriate behaviours and critical thinking skills to enable them to remain safe when using the internet and related technologies, in and beyond the context of the classroom. Whilst we celebrate and promote E-Safety days, we feel that E-Safety should be discussed within every Computing lesson to ensure our children understand their responsibility for staying safe online and who to report any issues to.

Schemes of Work

Teachers throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 have embedded their knowledge and understanding of a scheme implemented fully in 2022. Computing lessons are delivered using these progressive plans. We teach the children using Teach Computing Scheme of Work during their Computing lesson in the Computing suite, where progression is clear throughout the Key Stages and the objectives link to the National Curriculum. This scheme provides the children with the opportunities to develop their Digital Literacy, Computer Science and Information Technology throughout the academic year.

Alongside this, we feel it is important that children use their computing skills within other areas of the curriculum, therefore the use of i-pads is beneficial in developing cross curricular links throughout the school, through the use of Busy Things and other cross curricular platforms.     

The children at Lady Bankes Primary School are engaged and enthused when applying their computing skills in and out of the classroom. They are continually developing their competencies across all year groups by learning and applying new and existing skills across the full range of curriculum areas relevant for their year group. We are committed to growing children’s confidence to enable them to make decisions about how to creatively use a range of ICT technologies to enhance their own learning. It underpins the values of our school and gives every child a chance to fulfil their Ambition, Togetherness, Opportunity, Respect, Curiosity and much Happiness!

Web Page Creators

Have a look at some of these wonderful website our talented Year 6 children created during their Computing lessons.

  • Web page creators
    Want to be an olympic gymnast? Have a look at Hannah's website to find out more information about this amazing sport

  • Web page creators
    Atharva has independently created this excellent website ... immerse yourself in the wonderful world of cricket!